Welbeck Children's Atlas of Great Journeys
Welbeck Children's Atlas of Great Journeys

Atlas of Great Journeys

By Philip Steele

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Ages 8 to 12

Original map illustrations show the world's greatest journeys, and illustrated fact pages tell the stories of each expedition.

The Atlas of Great Journeys allows readers to follow in the footsteps of the most daring adventurers as they set out to explore the unknown. Fascinating original map illustrations show the world's greatest journeys, and lavishly illustrated fact pages tell the stories of each expedition – what dangers they faced, how long they travelled, and much more. As well as amazing illustrated maps and stories, this book has a unique Augmented Reality component that magically brings these journeys to life. Use your tablet or phone on each map spread to trace the routes they took and read about every stage of their journeys.

About the Author

Philip Steele is an acclaimed children's author who has written many books, including The Incas and Macchu Picchu andI Wonder Why The Pyramids Were Built.Christian Gralingen works as an Art Director and Illustrator in Berlin. He has a diploma in Communication Design from the University Duisburg-Essen (Folkwang). His client list includes design agencies, publishing houses, magazines, academic institutions and foundations.

Format: Hardcover

Length: 48 pages

Publisher: Welbeck Children's

Publication Date: September 27, 2020

ISBN: 9781783126026

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