Beach Lane Books Biblioburro (Spanish Edition)
Beach Lane Books Biblioburro (Spanish Edition)

Biblioburro (Spanish Edition)

By Jeanette Winter

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Ages 6 to 9, Grades 1 to 4

Un hombre, sus burros y sus libros llevan la alegría a aldeas remotas en Colombia en este inspirador libro basado en una historia real, escrita e ilustrada por la celebrada creadora de libros para niños Jeanette Winter, ahora disponible en español.

A Luis le encanta leer, pero en poco tiempo su casa en Colombia está tan llena de libros que casi no hay espacio para la familia. ¿Qué va a hacer? Entonces se le ocurre la solución perfecta: ¡una biblioteca ambulante! Compra dos burros —Alfa y Beto— y con ellos viaja a través de campos y montañas para llevar los libros y la lectura a niños en aldeas lejanas.

Incluye una nota de la autora acerca del hombre real en cuya historia se basa este libro.

About the Author

Jeanette Winter is a celebrated picture book creator whose acclaimed works include The Snow Man; The Little Owl & the Big Tree: A Christmas Story; Oil; The Secret Project; and Diego, all written by Jonah Winter, and her own Biblioburro: A True Story from Colombia; Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan; and Our House Is on Fire: Greta Thunberg’s Call to Save the Planet, which has been translated into twenty-one languages.

Alexis Romay is the author of two novels and two books of poetry. His essays and opinion pieces have been published by NBC News, World Literature Today, Museum of Modern Art, El Nuevo Herald, Latino Rebels, Hypermedia Magazine, Replicante, Letras Libres, and other outlets. He has written lyrics for Paquito D’Rivera and translated over forty picture books, as well as novels by Ana Veciana-Suarez, Margarita Engle, Miguel Correa Mujica, Meg Medina, Stuart Gibbs, and Adrianna Cuevas. He lives in New Jersey with his family.

Format: Trade Paperback

Length: 32 pages

Publisher: Beach Lane Books

ISBN: 9781665935456

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