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Dottir Press Interseccionalianza
Dottir Press Interseccionalianza


By Chelsea Johnson


Publication Date: April 20, 2021

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Ages 6 to 12

Un libro para niños sobre la interseccionalidad que explora los matices de la identidad y abraza la diferencia como fuente de comunidad.

UNO DE LOS LIBROS "ANTIRACISTA PARA NIÑOS Y ADOLESCENTES" RECOMENDADOS POR HUFFPOSTFEATURED ON KEYS SOULCARE AS "5 STUNNING VISUAL BOOKS FOR ALL AGES"Escrito por tres sociólogas de color, Intersecciónalianza: hacemos espacio para todxs es una entrada jubilosa al feminismo interseccional. Los nueve personajes se describen con orgullo a sí mismxs y sus origenes. El libro explora temas de diversidad, como discapacidad física y ser un intermediario de idiomas para su familia, de una manera que hace que lxs niñxs se sientan orgullosxs de su historia personal y se conecten con la lucha colectiva por la justicia.La forma en que los personajes se conectan entre sí promueve un mensaje de aliado e igualdad. Cuando la vida se pone difícil, lxs niñxs se apoyan mutuamente por lo que son: Parker defiende a Kate, un personaje no binario que evita las faldas por una capa de superhéroe; Heejung da la bienvenida a Yuri, una refugiada que escapa de la guerra, a su comunidad; y la familia de Alejandra cuida de Parker después de la escuela mientras su madre trabaja. Como defensor del respeto y la inclusión, Intersecciónalianza es una herramienta necesaria para aprender a aceptar la diferencia, en lugar de ahuyentarla.El libro presenta hermosas ilustraciones en cada página de Ashley Seil Smith, así como poderosas presentaciones de la activista y profesora de Derecho Dra. Kimberlé Crenshaw, quien acuñó el término "interseccionalidad", y Dra. Ange-Marie Hancock Alfaro, autora de Interseccionalidad: una historia intelectual.

About the Author

Chelsea Johnson became interested in feminism through writers like Audre Lorde and Patricia Hill Collins as an undergraduate at Spelman College, a historically Black college for women in Atlanta, GA. She went on to study the politics of race, class, gender, and fashion at the University of Southern California, where she earned her PhD in sociology and gender studies in 2019. Chelsea now works as an applied researcher in the corporate world, using intersectionality to help companies design products with underrepresented groups in mind.LaToya Council was born and raised in Dudley, North Carolina. She was first introduced to the concept of intersectionality at Spelman College, which inspired her scholarship, activism, and vision for a more inclusive world. LaToya went on to earn her MA in sociology at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs and is currently finishing up her PhD in sociology at the University of Southern California. Her research theorizes how race, class, and gender shape work and family life.Carolyn Choi was born to immigrant parents in Los Angeles. After graduating with her BA from UCLA, Carolyn began community organizing with an immigrant rights organization in Los Angeles, where intersectionality was central to her advocacy work. She later went abroad to earn an MS in sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science and is currently at the University of Southern California, finishing up her PhD. Carolyn's research touches on the topics of human trafficking and international migration.Ashley Seil Smith, illustrator, was raised in California and the conservative South, the last of five daughters. After studying women's health in India during undergrad, Ashley committed to public conversations about feminism and bodies, and created a menstruation museum and period box subscription company. She received her MFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York City and now works full-time as an artist. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Lenny, and Forbes. She lives and works in New York City.

Format: Trade Paperback

Length: 48 pages

Publisher: Dottir Press

Publication Date: April 20, 2020

ISBN: 9781948340410

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