Is a Book a Box for Words?
Is a Book a Box for Words?

Is a Book a Box for Words?

By Harriet Ziefert

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Ages 5 to 8, Grades K to 3

A STEAM-centered exploration of boxes to spark scientific inquiry in a fun and engaging way!

There are so many types and uses for boxes, it’s time to think of as many as we can. In this entertaining book with rhyming text, young children are invited to explore all the different boxes we find in our lives and what they are used for. With a little investigation, boxes are found in so many shapes and have so many uses: from carrying fruit or playing hopscotch, to a house for bees, or a case for a guitar. What constitutes a box? What size is it? What fits inside? What is it used for? Endless amount of discussion will result from this book, and even the titular question will get kids thinking. A perfect book to initiate early-years scientific inquiry in a fun and inventive way and set children on the path to thinking critically, creatively, and reflectively.

About the Author

Harriet Ziefert is a former elementary school teacher from New Jersey. A graduate of Smith College, she also holds an MA in education from NYU. She is the bestselling author of more than 250 children’s books and has developed easy-to-read series for several major publishing houses. As founder of Blue Apple Books, she has published over 500 titles, many of which have become bestselling modern classics. Harriet Ziefert continues to create and publish books from her home in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Mercè Galí is an illustrator from Barcelona. She grew up surrounded by stories in her parents’ bookstore and studied illustration and fine arts at the University of Barcelona, specializing in engraving. She mainly illustrates children’s books for a number of publishing houses in various countries. Her books have been recognized at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair and her project, Petit Indi, was a finalist in the Silent Book competition. Mercè Galí lives and works in Barcelona, Spain.

Format: Hardcover

Length: 34 pages

Publisher: Red Comet Press

Publication Date: October 8, 2024

ISBN: 9781636551258

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