Scholastic en Espanol La luna embrujada (The Cursed Moon)
Scholastic en Espanol La luna embrujada (The Cursed Moon)

La luna embrujada (The Cursed Moon)

By Angela Cervantes

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Ages 8 to 12, Grades 3 to 7

La nueva novela de la célebre autora Ángela Cervantes combina una escalofriante historia de fantasmas con su sincero estilo narrativo.“Uno, dos, el celador te viene a buscar. Tres, cuatro, dejarás de respirar. Cinco, seis, como un palo flotarás. Siete, ocho, tu destino encontrarás”.Rafael Fuentes no se asusta fácilmente. Le encanta escribir historias de fantasmas, leer libros de terror y entretener a sus amigos con cuentos aterradores que crea en el acto. Rafa se ha enfrentado a tantas situaciones aterradoras en la vida real que las apariciones fantasmales no le quitan el sueño. Su madre pronto saldrá de la cárcel y vendrá a vivir con él, su hermana y sus abuelos. Por primera vez en mucho tiempo, Rafa siente que el miedo se le acumula en el estómago.Para distraerse del regreso de su madre, Rafa pasa una noche elaborando la historia de fantasmas más aterradora que jamás haya contado. Bajo una espeluznante luna de sangre, Rafa le cuenta a un grupo de amigos sobre el celador, un fantasma malvado que atrae a los niños desprevenidos al estanque del vecindario... y nunca regresan. Rafa está muy orgulloso de su última creación, hasta que empiezan a suceder cosas extrañas a su alrededor y se da cuenta de que el celador es real. Rafa le ha dado vida al fantasma y solo él puede detenerlo.Celebrated author Angela Cervantes' brand new novel combines a chilling ghost story with her award-winning, heartfelt storytelling style.One two, the Caretaker’s coming for you. Three-four, you’ll breathe no more. Five-six, you’ll float like sticks. Seven, eight, you’ll meet your fate.Rafael Fuentes isn’t easily scared. He loves writing ghost stories, reading scary books, and entertaining his friends with terrifying tales he creates on the spot. Rafa has come up against enough real-life scary situations that fictional hauntings seem like no big deal. Rafa’s incarcerated mom is being released from jail soon, and will be coming to live with him, his sister, and their grandparents. For the first time in a while, Rafa feels a pit of fear growing in his stomach.To take his mind off his mom’s return, Rafa spends an evening crafting the scariest ghost story he’s ever told. As an eerie blood moon hangs in the sky, Rafa tells a group of friends about The Caretaker. The Caretaker is an evil ghost who lures unsuspecting kids into the neighborhood pond. . . and they don’t ever come out. Rafa is really proud of his latest creation, until strange things start to happen around him. With a sinking feeling, Rafa realizes the Caretaker is real. Rafa has brought the ghost to life—and only he can stop him.

About the Author

Angela Cervantes is a poet, storyteller, and animal lover. Her poetry and short stories have appeared in various publications, and she has written the novels Gaby, Lost and Found and Allie, First at Last. When Angela is not writing, she enjoys hanging out with her husband in Kansas and eating fish tacos every chance she gets. Keep up with Angela at

Format: Trade Paperback

Length: 240 pages

Publisher: Scholastic en español

Publication Date: October 1, 2024

ISBN: 9781546134121

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