NorthSouth Books Ludwig and the Rhinoceros NorthSouth Books Ludwig and the Rhinoceros
NorthSouth Books Ludwig and the Rhinoceros NorthSouth Books Ludwig and the Rhinoceros

Ludwig and the Rhinoceros

By Noemi Schneider

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Ages 5 to 8, Grades K to 2

Does something exist even if you can’t see it? A humorous bedtime story for budding philosophers.

“There's a rhinoceros in my room!” Ludwig claims. His father doesn't think so. He looks for the huge pachyderm in every corner, but he just can't find it. There CANNOT be a rhinoceros in Ludwig's room. It's way too small for a rhinoceros. But Ludwig shows his father that something can be there, even if you can't see it.

Young children will love pointing out the rhinoceros in each spread. Older children will enjoy thinking about how the moon is still there even when we can’t see it. Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein discussed the power and the limitations of language with his professor Bertrand Russell: how even if you don’t see something, it can still be there. These philosophical discussions are the basis for Noemi Schneider's hilarious and thoughtful story. The Berlin duo GOLDEN COSMOS, who work with their characteristic screen printing style for international magazines, are now illustrating a picture book for the first time.

About the Author

Noemi Schneider was born in Munich, Germany. She studied journalism and directing at the University for Television and Film in Munich. She writes for adults and children and works as a freelance cultural journalist for film, radio, and print. Her short stories and essays have received multiple awards. In 2017, she was nominated for the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize. She likes rhinoceroses and philosophical games.

GOLDEN COSMOS is the working name for Doris Freigofas and Daniel Dolz. The freelance artist and illustrator duo lives in Berlin, Germany. They were born in Dresden and Erfurt, respectively. Doris studied at the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee and Daniel studied at the HTW in Berlin and earned a Master of Arts from the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee. GOLDEN COSMOS illustrate weekly for The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Die Zeit and other media worldwide. For more information, go to:

Marshall Yarbrough is a writer, translator, and musician. He has translated works by Ulla Lenze, Norman Ohler, and Wolf Wondratschek, among other authors. He lives in New York City.

Format: Hardcover

Length: 40 pages

Publisher: NorthSouth Books

ISBN: 9780735845275

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