Golden Books My Little Golden Book About...: Martin Luther King Jr.
Golden Books My Little Golden Book About...: Martin Luther King Jr.

My Little Golden Book About...: Martin Luther King Jr.

By Bonnie Bader

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Ages 2 to 5, Grades K And Under


A nonfiction Little Golden Book about an American leader every child should know!

This Little Golden Book captures the essence of Martin Luther King, Jr. for the littlest readers. They’ll learn how his childhood in segregated Atlanta—and in his father’s church—shaped the future civil rights leader.


And they’ll gain a clear understanding of the way he became an eloquent, powerful voice for African Americans.

Series Overview: LITTLE GOLDEN BOOKS have been loved by children for more than 75 years. When they were first published in 1942, high-quality books for children hadn’t been available at a price most people could afford. Little Golden Books changed that! Priced at just 25 cents and sold where people shopped every day, they caused an instant sensation and were soon purchased by the hundreds of thousands.


Created by such talented writers as Margaret Wise Brown (author of Goodnight Moon) and Richard Scarry, Little Golden Books have helped millions of children develop a lifelong love of reading.


Today, Little Golden Books feature such beloved classics as The Poky Little Puppy and Scuffy the Tugboat, hot licenses, and new original stories—the classics of tomorrow, ready to be discovered between their sturdy cardboard covers and gold-foil spines.


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