National Geographic Kids National Geographic Readers: Animal Superpowers (L2)
National Geographic Kids National Geographic Readers: Animal Superpowers (L2)

National Geographic Readers: Animal Superpowers (L2)

By Andrea Silen

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Ages 6 to 8, Grades 1 to 3

Get ready to be amazed by the super speed, epic strength, and jaw-dropping powers of some of the planet’s most awesome animals!

From lifting stupendous weights to jumping unbelievable heights, superpowers aren’t just in the movies: they’re really real. This new Level 2 reader features dozens of fascinating animals and their amazing abilities that seem too incredible to be true. Learn about leafcutter ants that can carry 50 times their weight; the mutable rain frog, which can change the texture of its skin to help it camouflage; and the pom-pom crab, which carries sea anemones to strike at foes. Young readers get up close to these creatures and more with engaging text and colorful photos.

National Geographic Readers' combination of expert-vetted nonfiction text, brilliant images, and a fun approach to reading have proved to be a winning formula with kids, parents, and educators.

This thrilling Level 2 reader provides accessible, yet wide-ranging information for kids ready to read on their own—perfect to encourage the scientists and explorers of tomorrow!

Series Overview: This high-interest, educationally vetted series of beginning readers features magnificent National Geographic images, accompanied by text written by experienced, skilled children's book authors. Each reader includes interactive features in which kids get to use what they've learned in the book. Level 1 books reinforce the content of the book with a kinesthetic learning activity. Level 2 readers feature slightly higher-level text and additional vocabulary words. Level 3 readers have more layers of information to challenge more proficient readers. For emerging readers, the pre-reader level introduces vocabulary and concepts, and the co-reader level provides a collaborative reading experience.

About the Author

ANDREA SILEN is a writer and editor and frequent contributor to National Geographic Kids media, including the National Geographic Kids magazine and website.

Author Residence: Washington, D.C.

Format: Trade Paperback

Length: 32 pages

Publisher: National Geographic Kids

Publication Date: July 11, 2023

ISBN: 9781426339776

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