Publication Date: August 12, 2025
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NO ONE KNOWS COLLEGES LIKE THE PRINCETON REVIEW! This comprehensive guide to the nation's best colleges provides in-depth profiles on schools, best-of lists by interest, and tons of helpful student-driven details that will help you or your student choose their best-fit college!
The Princeton Review's college rankings started in 1992 with surveys from 30,000 students. Over 30 years and more than a million student surveys later, we stand by our claim that there is no single “best” college, only the best college for you … and that this is the book that will help you find it!
Straight from Students to You
391 in-depth school profiles based on candid feedback from 160,000+ students, covering academics, administration, campus life, and financial aidInsights on unique college character, social scene, and moreDirect quotes from students about their school’s professors, campus culture, career services, and more
Ranking Lists & Rating Scores
Lists of the top 25 colleges in 50 categories based on students' opinions of academics, campus life, facilities, and much more Ratings for every school on Financial Aid, Selectivity, and Quality of Life
Detailed Admissions Info
The "Inside Word" on competitive applications, test scores, tuition, and average indebtednessComprehensive information on selectivity, freshman profiles, and application deadlines at each school
Plus! Free access to 2 full-length practice tests online (1 SAT and 1 ACT) to help you prep for the important admissions-exams part of your admissions journey.
Series Overview: The Princeton Review's The Best Colleges is an annual title, showcasing the nation's top colleges and providing helpful school profiles, ranking info, and ratings on a variety of issues important to students.
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