Laurence King Publishing The Infinite Maze: Race Through Space!: Over two trillion mazes to try
Laurence King Publishing The Infinite Maze: Race Through Space!: Over two trillion mazes to try

The Infinite Maze: Race Through Space!: Over two trillion mazes to try

By Aleksandra Artymowska

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Ages 6 to 12

Lay all 20 cards out in any order and solve the maze that's different every time you play!

Endless possibilities, only one solution...

Place these 20 cards in any order, then challenge yourself to find a route through the maze or race against your friends. Journey through galaxies, find strange aliens and tell out-of-this-world stories: with over two trillion possible combinations, you can play to infinity - and beyond!

MULTIPLE WAYS TO PLAY: use the cards to tell stories, compete against one another or build one long, continuous maze stretching up to 170cm (67in) tall.

A SPACE-THEMED FOLLOW UP to Aleksandra Artymowska's original Infinite Maze card game

DRY-ERASE PEN INCLUDED so you can play time and time again.

LAURENCE KING has been capturing imaginations and inspiring creativity in new and unexpected ways for over 30 years, with playful and eye-catching games, gifts and books.

About the Author

Aleksandra Artymowska is an award-winning illustrator and children's book author who is obsessed with mazes. Her previous titles with Laurence King include Amazed (2017), Find My Rocket (2018) and The Infinite Maze (2023). Aleksandra loves including lots of fine detail in her artwork to create fun, intricate puzzles that are a joy to solve. Just like her books (which have been published in over 20 countries around the world), Aleksandra loves to travel and has previously lived in both China and Israel. She is now based in her hometown, Warsaw, in Poland.

Format: Cards

Publisher: Laurence King Publishing

Publication Date: October 29, 2024

ISBN: 9781399625456

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