The Language of Plants The Language of Plants
The Language of Plants The Language of Plants

The Language of Plants

By Helena Harastova

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Ages 8 to 12

Wood Wide Web: Understand how plants communicate!

Plants—nice but boring? This book will change your mind! Open it and see how they talk without tongue, listen without ears, see without eyes, breathe without lungs, and behave intelligently without brain. Recent scientific findings will make you treat the plants with respect and admiration.Do plants have superpowers we have overlooked? Recent scientific findings have shaken our traditional view of plants. Now we know that plants not only take an interest in the world around them, but they react to it too. Explore with us the depths of the plant soul, and learn how plants converse, help one another, fight together, what they remember, and how plant mail works.

About the Author

Helena Harastova is a Czech writer, a translator from English and Russian, and now primarily a mom.

Darya Beklemesheva has a higher art education, and in addition, she is constantly improving her qualifications by studying at various courses and workshops, participating in exhibitions and international competitions. She works in collage technique. She has tried many different techniques (watercolor, various types of printing, linocut), but her favorite technique is still collage.

Format: Hardcover Paper over boards

Length: 32 pages

Publisher: Albatros Media

Publication Date: April 25, 2023

ISBN: 9788000067971

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