Magic Cat The Life-Changing Magic of Skateboarding: A Beginner's Guide with Olympic Medalist Sky Brown
Magic Cat The Life-Changing Magic of Skateboarding: A Beginner's Guide with Olympic Medalist Sky Brown

The Life-Changing Magic of Skateboarding: A Beginner's Guide with Olympic Medalist Sky Brown

By Sky Brown

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Ages 6 to 10, Grades 1 to 5

Drop into the beginner’s guide The Life-Changing Magic of Skateboarding, with secrets from world champion Sky Brown!


Meet Sky Brown, the youngest person to win a medal in skateboarding at the Olympics and discover how she fell in love with the sport. Then, give it a try yourself as she offers tips to get you started.


Learn how to start . . . and stop. Then follow along as Sky takes you through ollies, kick turns, nose grabs, and more.


This practical biographical handbook features: A joy-filled introduction to the sport of skateboarding presented in an engaging graphic-novel style Practical tips and inspiration from Sky Brown Illustrated step-by-step instructions of basic and advanced skateboarding tricks Advice on safety and how to get back up after a fall With fun-filled illustrations from Shaw Davidson, and in the words of Sky Brown herself, this is the perfect book to inspire children to find their life’s passion and go big!


Life-Changing Magic Series

The Life-Changing Magic of Skateboarding by Sky Brown and illustrator Shaw Davidson

The Life-Changing Magic of Chess by Maurice Ashley and illustrator Denis Angelov

The Life-Changing Magic of Baking by Joy Wilson

The Life-Changing Magic of Drumming by Nandi Bushell

About the Author

Sky Brown is a professional skateboarder and surfer born in Miyazaki, Japan. In 2021, she represented Great Britain at the 2020 Summer Olympics, where she won a bronze medal at age twelve. Sky began skating and surfing at age two and quickly became a phenomenon when short videos of her gained millions of views on YouTube. Sky hopes to continue making history while inspiring young girls and women across the world to reach for their dreams and become unstoppable. The Life-Changing Magic of Skateboarding is her first book for children. Shaw Davidson is an illustrator living in Bristol, UK. She studied illustration at Falmouth University and later became a freelance illustrator specializing in children’s books. Her illustrations are often inspired by people, history, color and nature, and she enjoys using a mixture of traditional materials and digital techniques to create her work.

Format: Hardcover

Length: 40 pages

Publisher: Magic Cat

Publication Date: April 2, 2024

ISBN: 9781419773402

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