Unbound The Song of the Golden Hare
Unbound The Song of the Golden Hare

The Song of the Golden Hare

By Morris Jackie

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Ages 5 to 10

He had been waiting all his life, hoping to hear the hare’s song. . .The boy and his family are special. While others hunt the hares, his family search for leverets orphaned by the hunt and keep them safe. When the hares begin to move across the land, the boy and his sister know that their greatest challenge has begun. They must follow and watch and wait until the time comes for the old queen to leave and her child to reign in her place.But others are searching for the golden queen of the hares, a hunter with two hounds, one silver, one black. Can two children, on their own, keep the golden queen safe from the man and his hounds?

About the Author

Jackie Morris is an author and illustrator. She studied illustration at Hereford College of Art and Bath Academy and has illustrated many books, and written some. The Lost Words, co-authored with Robert Macfarlane, won the Kate Greenaway Medal 2019.

Format: Hardcover

Length: 32 pages

Publisher: Unbound

Publication Date: May 7, 2024

ISBN: 9781783528851

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