Little Gestalten The World of Sharks: Get to know the fascinating creatures of the oceans
Little Gestalten The World of Sharks: Get to know the fascinating creatures of the oceans

The World of Sharks: Get to know the fascinating creatures of the oceans

By Little Gestalten


Publication Date: June 24, 2025

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Availability: Out of stock, but more arriving soon Pre-orders ship after the publication date.

Ages 5 to 11

In this book, you will not only find out how sharks were able to survive so many other animals and how many different species we know today, but also a lot about their very special teeth, their peculiar lateral line organ and excellent sense of smell.

Did you know that sharks are among the oldest creatures on earth? They swam through the primordial oceans long before there were dinosaurs. Many legends surround these animals with their fearsome sharp teeth. But how dangerous are sharks really? In this book, you will not only find out how sharks were able to survive so many other animals and how many different species we know today, but also a lot about their very special teeth, their peculiar lateral line organ and excellent sense of smell. However, many sharks have hardly been researched to this day - their habitats are too deep in the sea for us humans to reach. This book is the starting point for so much more to explore about sharks.

About the Author

Wildlife lover Darcy Dobell is the author of many scientific textbooks and articles aimed at younger readers, and advises organizations on how to protect the oceans.Becky Thorns graduated with a Fine Art degree from Falmouth University in 2015. A longing to apply her work led to a move into illustration and graphic design. Becky loves to take inspiration from nature and her detailed, textured style aims to include an element of narrative and adventure. Becky lives in Cornwall, UK, and already illustrated the little gestalten classics World of Whales and Who invented this?

Format: Hardcover Picture Book

Length: 72 pages

Publisher: Little Gestalten

ISBN: 9783967047806

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