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Graphix Twins
Graphix Twins


By Varian Johnson

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Ages 8 to 12, Grades 3 to 7

Coretta Scott King Honor author Varian Johnson teams up with rising cartoonist Shannon Wright for a delightful middle-grade graphic novel!

Maureen and Francine Carter are twins and best friends. They participate in the same clubs, enjoy the same foods, and are partners on all their school projects. But just before the girls start sixth grade, Francine becomes Fran -- a girl who wants to join the chorus, run for class president, and dress in fashionable outfits that set her apart from Maureen. A girl who seems happy to share only two classes with her sister!

Maureen and Francine are growing apart and there's nothing Maureen can do to stop it. Are sisters really forever? Or will middle school change things for good?

About the Author

Varian Johnson is the author of several novels for children and young adults, including The Parker Inheritance, for which he won a Coretta Scott King Honor award; The Great Greene Heist, which was an ALA Notable Children's Book, a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2014, and a Texas Library Association Lone Star List selection; and To Catch a Cheat, another Jackson Greene adventure and a Kids' Indie Next List pick. He lives with his family near Austin, Texas. You can find him online at varianjohnson.com.

Shannon Wright is an illustrator and cartoonist based in Virginia. She illustrated My Mommy Medicine by Edwidge Danticat, and some of her clients include the Guardian, TIME, the New York Times, NPR, and Google. Visit her online at shannon-wright.com.

Format: Paperback

Length: 256 pages

Publisher: Graphix

Publication Date: October 6, 2020

ISBN: 9781338236132

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