World of Eric Carle The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Large Board Book)
World of Eric Carle The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Large Board Book)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Large Board Book)

By Eric Carle

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Ages 0 to 3, Grades P And Under

THE all-time classic picture book, from generation to generation, sold somewhere in the world every 30 seconds! Have you shared it with a child or grandchild in your life?

Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar is now available for the first time in a new, oversized board book format, perfect for storytime or for playtime. Plus, as an added bonus, it includes a CD of Eric Carle reading his classic story. This fine audio production makes a great listen, and is a fantastic new way to encounter this famous, famished caterpillar.Watch a Video

About the Author

Eric Carle is acclaimed and beloved as the creator of brilliantly illustrated and innovatively designed picture books for very young children. His best-known work, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, has been translated into 70 languages and sold over 55 million copies. Carle illustrated more than seventy books, many best sellers, most of which he also wrote, and more than 170 million copies of his books have sold around the world. In 2003, Carle received the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award (now called the Children’s Literature Legacy Award) for lifetime achievement in children's literature. In 2002, Eric and his wife, Barbara, cofounded The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art ( in Amherst, Massachusetts, a 40,000-square-foot space dedicated to the celebration of picture books and picture book illustrations from around the world, underscoring the cultural, historical, and artistic significance of picture books and their art form. Eric Carle passed away in May 2021 at the age of 91. His work remains an important influence on artists and illustrators at work today.

Format: Board Book

Length: 24 pages

Publisher: World of Eric Carle

Publication Date: April 19, 2007

ISBN: 9780399247453

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